A vision for new home ownership opportunities & community space in Underhill Flats
The United Church of Underhill and Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity are partnering to bring home ownership within reach for working families while retaining some open space near the village center.
Affordable Home Ownership
The need for affordable places to live in Underhill predates the pandemic, but has only grown in recent years. Learn more about the demand for homes and how Harvest Crossing is a response to that need.
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Frequently Asked Questions
The Church plans to purchase 8.6 acres to ready lots for affordable homes. The Church will develop the infrastructure then transfer the improved lots to Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity to build homes for purchase by working families.
The expectation is to build perpetually affordable and energy efficient homes for 8 families and leave 1-2 acres as open space for agriculture and community recreation. -
Mission: provide affordable homeownership opportunities for our community
Goal: to purchase 8.6 acres, prepare the infrastructure and ready the land for building such that the land price per lot is $40,000 or less, which will allow Habitat to build and sell the homes for an affordable price. -
Habitat for Humanity has been in the business of building perpetually affordable homes for working families since 1976. By partnering with Habitat, families transform their lives improve their health, safety, child development, economic opportunity and educational achievement. This is a win for the families and a win for the community.

Where we are
United Church of Underhill
7 Park Street in Underhill, VT 05489