Who are we?
United Church of Underhill is a small, community-minded, inclusive church located in Underhill Flats on Vermont Route 15.
Our history includes doing a hands-on approach to sharing God’s love for many. Through Harvest Market, Clutter Barn, Community Dinners, the quilting ministry, food shelf and many others, this small, active church continues sharing with the community. We are in covenant and connection with both the United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church, and we are an Open and Affirming and Reconciling congregation, welcoming people of all sexual orientations and gender identities into full participation in the life of the church.
By partnering with Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity we can ensure that the Harvest Crossing houses will be high quality and affordable.
Why this site?
Adjacent to the church in the heart of the village, a field was offered for sale to the church. Recognizing the need for more homes, especially affordable homes, this location seemed ideal. Furthermore, the smart growth guidelines suggest that the best way to maintain the rural character of Underhill is to concentrate building in the villages and leave rural areas less developed.
Vision for the future.
Build perpetually affordable and energy efficient homes for 8 families and leave 1-2 acres as open space for agriculture and community recreation.
In July 2023 the Church purchased the 8.6 acres of meadow adjacent to the Church after completing: an environmental assessment, land appraisal, an archeological survey, a wetland delineation, test pits for septic systems, and conducting several hearings with the town of Underhill.
Working with George McCain’s engineering firm, we have a site design that will construct affordable homes for 8 families: 6 of the structures would be single family units and 1 would be a duplex. Homes will be clustered allowing shared open space. The Church will retain 1-2 acres of the property, depending on the final site design, for orchards, community gardens, recreation and to host a fall community event called Harvest Market.
The initial Sketch Plan review with the town was completed in February 2024. The Development Review Board will be receiving the Preliminary Sketch Plan this spring.
A loan from Vermont Community Development has been secured to help pay for additional requirements. When all the stipulations are met, a road developed and utilities connected, the land will be transferred to Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity. They will identify homeowners and build the homes using their cost effective, energy efficient designs. Their work model includes community volunteers working with the new homeowners under the supervision of knowledgeable builders. It will be a blessing to provide affordable homes so new people can join our community.
An Implementation Grant submitted to the Vermont Community Development Program will be submitted in April 2024 that would significantly contribute to the site construction.
Financial support has been generously provided by church members, community members, an additional grant from Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity, private loans, Vermont Community Development Program Planning Grant, an ARPA grant from the Town of Underhill, and a HUD grant facilitated by Senator Bernie Sanders. Many hours over several years have been donated by church members, Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity, and the town of Underhill staff. It is clear that this unique opportunity will move forward placing affordable homes in the village center.
Harvest Crossing Planning Team
The Harvest Crossing team is comprised of nine church members and two staff from Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity. This dedicated group offers a diverse array of skills and experiences to the project, encompassing finance, engineering, grant writing, electrical work, landscaping, residential construction, and the coordination of volunteers.
Meet the Team
Dave Clift
Project Co-leader
Dan Manz
Project Co-leader
Pastor Jen Mihok
Spiritual leader
Allen Simard
David Mullin
Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity Director
Marge Douglass
Team Member
Julie Carr
Team Member
Bob Carr
Team Member
Sandy Wilmot
Team Member
Scott Rogers
Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity, Development and Communications
Mark Stephenson
Team Member